DOC’s Preliminary Determination on Antidumping Investigation of Threaded Rod from India
Denver, CO (February 27, 2014) –
On February 11, 2014, the Department of Commerce (DOC) made a preliminary determination that steel threaded rod from India has been sold in the United States at less than its fair value.
Indian importers received the following preliminary dumping duties:
(1.) Babu Exports – 119.87%
(2.) Mangal Steel – 8.63%
(3.) All other Indian producers/exporters – 8.63%
Taken together with the DOC’s earlier determination in the Countervailing (CVD) Investigation (38.98% on Babu Exports and 8.13% on Mangal Steel and all others), the net duties are:
(1.) Babu Exports – 158.85%
(2.) Mangal Steel – 16.76%
(3.) All other Indian producers/exporters – 16.76%
As a result of the preliminary determination, the DOC will instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection to require cash deposits on these preliminary rates.
The DOC is scheduled to announce their final determination in the Antidumping Investigation of India on July 1, 2014.